

So today I went to a four hour seminar on sociology and financial markets. It was pretty interesting, but at some point I got tired of the endless droning. Daydreaming of tatoos and what Neil Fallon would do if he had to present a study on the performative aspects of Portfolio Management Theory. No yellow jackets can keep the bored grad student from doodling. Check out my note pad:

I am particularly fond of the Zombie.

There was this Autralian woman who was presenting last. She has a general reputation for being batshit crazy, so I kind of expected her to do somthing strange. Instead she just whispered to her chum like a shchool girl the whole time. Speaking of third graders. I was tempted to ask her to share with the class. I guess it wouldn't have been that surprising if she wasn't an old professor lady. Maybe it's an Australian thing. She would just loudly blurt out shit while other people were talking. What the fuck? Professor of Emotional Finance at OutbackUniversity's Hogan Scholl of Business.

After a day full of this I was ready to go home. I picked up two bottles of Serbian Wine (1 euro a piece!) and proceeded to drink them both by myself with only my guitar to keep me company.

Some people say there's somthing wrong with drinking alone, I say, those people have self esteem issues. Who better than you to keep you company? I guess I had my guitar. That sort of counts.


Anonymous said...

Dude; our nascent internet publishing empire will rule the world!

Also, good to know that Serbia has two-buck-chuck beaten.

CrAcKademic! said...

I like to call it One Euro Slobo